Your assistant in the language learning process
Learning a new word?
Learn with wemory flashcards
Are you trying to learn a new language? Having trouble remembering the meaning of the word? Could the cause of the problem be the method you used?
Create your cards
create your own cards with reminder
We all have different priorities and the words we want to learn. For most of us, learning the same words in the same order can be a waste of time.
With Wemory, you can start learning quickly by creating flashcards of the words you want to learn, or rather the words you will need.
Organise with folders
arrange your cards with folders
Create folders and collect related words under the same folders. Have a more organized work environment.
Exercise, Exercise, Exercise
exercise and remember it easily
Repetition is key to learning. Choose the folder you want to work in, wemory will randomly ask you questions from that folder.
Remember: "Practise makes perfect"